Key Use Cases
- Product Counting & Quality Control – Detect faulty items, ensure accurate stock tracking
- Site Health & Safety – Monitor PPE compliance, safety perimeters, and worker movements
- Machine Safe Distancing – AI-powered alerts to prevent equipment-related accidents
- Materials Management & Object Detection – Prevent lost/stolen items and track hazardous materials
- Document Digitization – GDPR-safe AI training with realistic, randomized synthetic documents
Explore More Use Cases - Object Detection & Materials Management
Use Cases
- Lost objects
- Material checking to avoid theft
- Safety checking for dangerous materials
- Material counting and tracking
Chameleon Benefits
- Misplaced items are a regular issue on building sites. Any item can be imported into chameleon for identification/counting.
- Where the item is unique digital twin technology can be used to import an exact image of an object into Chameleon e.g. the valve in the images shown
- Stock counting and checking use cases can be easily created in Chameleon with Lighting, time of dat and weather adjusted to provide a broad range of training data
Explore More Use Cases - Machine Safe Distancing

Use Cases
- Heavy equipment is often deployed on construction sites e.g. cranes, bulldozers. Ensuring that the driver is aware of the proximity of humans to their machines can prevent accidents
- Out of bound areas can be mapped using AI and site management can be alerted if employees stray into dangerous areas

Chameleon Benefits
- Cameras can be placed at multiple positions on the heavy equipment to determine the best perimeter view (including fisheye cameras)
- Range and velocity of the machine to the configurable actor can be provided
- Dangerous areas can be mapped into a scene and scenarios created of configurable Actors walking through these areas with no danger to employees
Explore More Use Cases - Document Digitization

Use Case
- GDPR and privacy issues mean using real world documentation for AI network training can be difficult
- Creating templates of real-world documents populated with synthetic data and images is a powerful way of creating high quality, varied training data
Chameleon Benefits
- All information is synthetic (face/names/dates etc) so no privacy issues
- Information procedurally generated per document to ensure randomization and diversity
- Documents can be lit in multiple ways and with multiple backgrounds to represent how images are provided by the general public
- Bounding boxes can be customized to text strings or to per character
- Damage, worn, yellowing documents can be created to broaden the test dataset
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If you would like to discuss how our Data Packs could work for your organisation, please get in touch.